Updated info from the DNR


You are receiving this email today because you have registered at least one fishing tournament on the DNR’s Fishing Tournament Information System (FTIS) for the 2020 season. 

With the COVID-19 pandemic and the governor’s “Stay Home, Stay Safe” Executive Order, the following language in EO 2020-96 applies to the holding of fishing tournaments in Michigan:

·       Individuals may leave their home or place of residence, and travel as necessary:

o   to engage in outdoor recreational activity, consistent with remaining at least six feet from people from outside the individual’s household.

o   To attend a social gathering of no more than 10 people.

In accordance with the language in the order, fishing tournaments are authorized to resume. Tournaments of 10 anglers or fewer are allowed under the new order so long as they follow social distancing guidelines when congregated at the launch for the beginning and end of the tournament.

Tournaments with 11 or more anglers must by design limit the number of people gathered at the launch at one time to 10 or less.  This essentially means that larger tournaments must:

·       Use either a staggered start or multiple points of departure and return so that no more than 10 participants congregate before, during, or after the event.

·       Limit any in-person weigh-ins, rules meetings, or awards ceremonies to no more than 10 people at a time.

·       Require participants maintain social distancing throughout the event.

The current restrictions on fishing tournaments will remain in effect until Executive Order 2020-96 either expires on June 12 or is otherwise rescinded.

Directors with events planned after the current order’s expiration date should pay close attention to further declarations from the Governor’s office regarding additional/future directives.  You can also find information at the DNR’s COVID -19 Response website through www.michigan.gov/DNR.  Be safe and stay healthy!


Thomas M. Goniea

Fishing Tournament Specialist

Department of Natural Resources
